"Peace is not something you wish for;

it's something you make, something you do,
something you are, and something you give away."
-Robert Fulghum

03 March 2010

Back in Boston

I got back into Boston last night after a magnificent week spent with a host family in a mountain village of Piedras Negras, Honduras. Alongside some unforgettable Sustainable Harvest International staff, we helped build an adobe oven, plant a garden, plant some fruit trees, set up a drip irrigation system, and build a worm compost bin. I have some wonderful stories to share, however they'll have to wait for now... I'm so itchy, that my best bet is just to try to fall asleep right now. What I originally thought was fleas, now appears to be contact dermatitis, and the rash is all over my torso, down my thighs, and all along my arms. Oddly enough, it's behind my ears, too. This is the end of the third day since I noticed the rash. Well, I've taken Benadryl, and put some Hydrocortisone cream on, so I guess I'll just head to sleep and try to heal. =)

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